Vocabulary dictionary

Kanji dictionary

Grammar dictionary

Sentence lookup


Forums - Fall 2024 Focus: Question Corner Improvements

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Level: 576

Dear Micheal

Some of the answers in the corner are just random like some people just type random stuff it's a waste of data I hope you will remove them.

You could click on the Report Content link to report them as and when you come across them. I don't think anyone can spare the time to constantly go through the responses to weed out the random stuff.

6 months ago
Report Content
Level: 16

Dear Micheal

Some of the answers in the corner are just random like some people just type random stuff it's a waste of data I hope you will remove them.

You could click on the Report Content link to report them as and when you come across them. I don't think anyone can spare the time to constantly go through the responses to weed out the random stuff.

ok thanks but sometimes you will need to get a bot to do it for you

6 months ago
Report Content
Level: 283

Yea, hit Report Content. I do not use bots nor have plans to do so. I do plan on having a warning system where if someone gets reported too many times (and the reports are verified), they risk losing the ability to participate.

6 months ago
Report Content
Level: 50

I plan on doing a revision of the Question Corner this fall, so I'm welcoming any thoughts/ideas (big or small!)

I do have one idea I am definitely implementing, which is a way for users to submit questions alongside the official ones.

I would like to be able to tap on words in people’s answers and see dictionary entries, like I can with the questions.

6 months ago
Report Content
Level: 283

I plan on doing a revision of the Question Corner this fall, so I'm welcoming any thoughts/ideas (big or small!)

I do have one idea I am definitely implementing, which is a way for users to submit questions alongside the official ones.

I would like to be able to tap on words in people’s answers and see dictionary entries, like I can with the questions.

This requires an additional action by the user, which is to bind the words to the dictionary. In most cases, it is <15 seconds to do so, but cannot be automated :(

6 months ago
Report Content
Level: 351

Could you encourage people more to add English to their responses?

On the contrary, I would rather link their Japanese sentences to the dictionary than put an English translation. I often find myself only reading the English translations of haiku, question corner, etc.

Maybe encourage linking to dictionary and having the English translations hidden (with a "tap to view", like in the quiz multiple choice question settings, you can have the answer options hidden at first and tap to view them)?

6 months ago
Report Content
Level: 351

I would prefer if I could link the sentence to the dictionary before I submit it. Otherwise, I forget pretty much every time. Suggestions:

1. Add the button to the sentence writing UI

2. If a sentence is submitted without being linked, prompt confirmation ("are you sure?" type of thing)

3. If a sentence is submitted without English translation, do the same

4. Give extra XP for either actions

5. Potentially, change "link" to some other icon and action name. For example, you could say that you're going to "enhance ✨" the sentence, or "help others 🤝" to understand it, or "look up vocabulary 🔎". Linking does not feel like something I want to do, but helping the community strikes the chord. Update: is actually called binging in the interface which does confuse me 😅

6. To be even more proactive regarding linking, show the linking interface automatically when the input loses focus. Provide 2 buttons, "Looks good!" and "I'm not sure...". The former links the dictionary terms, the latter leaves the message unlinked. Of course, then you might see much more erroneous linking as people might make mistakes, but well oh well, isn't that why we're here

^^ I second something like this

6 months ago
Report Content
Level: 283

I think an auto-display for the binding would be good - perhaps with a way to turn it off (but on by default).

6 months ago
Report Content
Level: 114

I'd love to be able to translate the answers or click on them and see the meaning (like in the question) or be directed to the dictionary. I'm a beginner and sometimes it's hard to get it.

6 months ago
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Level: 155

I would love if there was (a) Furigana added and (b) a button to reveal the direct English translation of the question. It can be very hard to translate just from tapping on selected words.

5 months ago
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Something that could help learners that don't speak English as their native language would be an option to add multiple translations to different languages not just the one the App is set to and an filter to show only translated sentences to some languages

For example if the App is set to German right now it let's you input an translation for this language

An button like "Add English translation" or "Add another translation" below it to also add the English or a different language would be an convenient way

5 months ago
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Level: 505

I'm not sure how this could be implemented, but encouraging people to reply on posts. So in that way it could be more engaging for everyone.

Someone also said they'd like to use Kao emojis. I second that, they are too cute not to use.

Thank you for your hard work Michael!

5 months ago
Report Content
Level: 283

mixing in emoji into the sentences/comments would be tricky (since they are an extension of the sentence system), but adding them as replies (kind of like discord) is...possible. I'd much rather encourage text replies, though.

5 months ago
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Level: 163

Firstly, I agree with @Sophie-chan that sorting questions by difficulty would be convenient for users. Also I think that sorting by date, topic ("hobby", "food" etc.), kind of question (for practicing grammar), popularity (amount of answers for the question) would be nice, too.

Secondly, not sure if it's easy to implement, but maybe sentences (answers) that are linked to the dictionary could be viewed the same way they were originally written. Personally, I noticed that some of kanji changes to hiragana when you link the sentence and I'm not sure if there is any way to change it (if there is, excuse me, maybe I haven't noticed it).

P.S. Thank you @マイコー for creating this application! This is the best Japanese learning app I've ever used and I'm really enjoying it!

5 months ago
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Level: 483

Secondly, not sure if it's easy to implement, but maybe sentences (answers) that are linked to the dictionary could be viewed the same way they were originally written. Personally, I noticed that some of kanji changes to hiragana when you link the sentence and I'm not sure if there is any way to change it (if there is, excuse me, maybe I haven't noticed it).

Ah yeah, this bugs me every time I try linking a sentence with 綺麗 in it. I want it written in kanji but the only way to keep it as such after linking the sentence is to exempt the word from being linked...

5 months ago
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For some context, I help run a club for Japanese learning, and we want to have a Question of the Day bot for our Discord server! I was going to use Renshuu's past questions (if that is okay with you) which is why I think it would be nice to have a full list of all past questions. There is one sort of, but the longer sentences get cut out and there's the number at the end that makes it weird.

Thank you!

5 months ago
Report Content
Level: 59

Maybe sentence starters suggested for those users like me who have never studied Japanese before? 🙂

5 months ago
Report Content
Level: 132

There is an English message everytime I start the program.

But it disappears so fast, I cannot read it till the end.

Can you keep it up a few seconds longer?

5 months ago
Report Content
Level: 23

Maybe I'm just too new/lack the knowledge to be able to use this feature but a translation of the question would help a ton. Maybe one that's hidden by default so I can try to work it out on my own first and then see if I was right? I'm still at the point of sounding out characters and looking up/tapping on words for their individual meanings because I have little vocabulary to speak of. But I'd like to engage with other people before I start to develop a fear of speaking to native speakers (the way I did learning Spanish in high school)

5 months ago
Report Content

Machine translation is pretty reliable at translating the simple questions that tend to show up in the question corner, so that’s an option already available for those who need it.

Also, you can hover over any word you aren’t sure about to see the dictionary definition.

5 months ago
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Getting the posts

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