Vocabulary dictionary

Kanji dictionary

Grammar dictionary

Sentence lookup


Forums - Fall 2024 Focus: Question Corner Improvements

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Level: 283

I plan on doing a revision of the Question Corner this fall, so I'm welcoming any thoughts/ideas (big or small!)

I do have one idea I am definitely implementing, which is a way for users to submit questions alongside the official ones.

7 months ago
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Level: 31

Could you encourage people more to add English to their responses?

7 months ago
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I'm not sure if this would be a lot to ask or if it would be doable, but I'll throw it in anyway. Could you make it so the answers of other people could be examined like the question you post?

7 months ago
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Level: 46

Being able to tap and see the reading of kanji characters in other people's responses.

7 months ago
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Glad to know it will get some work, I already use this section of Renshuu quite a lot. However will we still be able to view questions we already answered/not answered yet or will you be removing that? Hopefully it will stay there, it would be great to still have access to old unanswered questions, as some people like myself still answer them to this day, even though some date back to a few years.

Someone here mentionned being able to tap and see kanji readings of other people's response, that would definitely be a great improvement.

7 months ago
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Maybe not practical, but it would be awesome to get some automated feedback on the answer and point out grammatical errors, etc.

EDIT: since this comment continues to garner likes, I should point out that now that you can link your answer to the dictionary, that is one way to check the grammar, especially the conjugations.

7 months ago
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Level: 283

Automated feedback will most likely be unrealistic.

As to the other requests, let me give a bit of info. To get the "tap on the sentence to see what it is", the user needs to tap the chain icon to link their sentence to the dictionary. There is a way to automatically do this, but it is not 100% correct, *especially* with non-native input and when there is hiragana used when kanji is typically present. (In other words, automated is probably not ideal).

I can make it easier/push users along to try and use that binding tool, but I'm not sure if the tool is quite easy-enough-to-use for beginning learners. It also doesn't (and won't) have a sense of "fixing" things, so if a user mistypes a verb conjugation, for example, たべります (instead of たべます), it will probably split it up into 2 or 3 words, causing further confusion.

But if there is a way to encourage more people to do that, I'd *love* to help with that.

7 months ago
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Level: 863

It'd be really nice to be able to use the Kao emojis in the question corner.

7 months ago
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I would love if you add furigana!

Being able to tap and see the reading of kanji characters in other people's responses.

7 months ago
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Level: 218

I could have missed an easier way, but I remember getting a notification that one of my answers had a reply to it, but the notification didn't bring me directly to my answer. I had to scroll through all the answers to find mine just to check! So maybe either a search function/filter of some kind, just automatically putting your answer to the top or making it so the notification can directly link to the answer could help?

7 months ago
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Level: 283

I could have missed an easier way, but I remember getting a notification that one of my answers had a reply to it, but the notification didn't bring me directly to my answer. I had to scroll through all the answers to find mine just to check! So maybe either a search function/filter of some kind, just automatically putting your answer to the top or making it so the notification can directly link to the answer could help?

This sounds like a bug. Please feel free to DM me with the specifics!

7 months ago
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Level: 109

I could have missed an easier way, but I remember getting a notification that one of my answers had a reply to it, but the notification didn't bring me directly to my answer. I had to scroll through all the answers to find mine just to check! So maybe either a search function/filter of some kind, just automatically putting your answer to the top or making it so the notification can directly link to the answer could help?

that's exactly what I came here to say! Clicking on the notification brought me to the correct page on which my comment was commented on. But no to the specific post and the post was not "unfolded" so I couldn't even see my comment. And since the notification only told me what the latest comment was and not to which original post it belonged it was hard to find. Which is a pity since i love commenting and getting comments :D I am using the renshuu app on android.

7 months ago
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Level: 283

Those alerts usually disappear after you click on them, so next time you get an alert, let me know *before* you click on it (in other words, don't click on it), and I can check it out for you.

7 months ago
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Level: 1073

Hello, after using the application for over a year, I've noticed that the same questions keep coming up. That's why I think it would be great to have the option to submit questions, which would provide a wider range of topics.

I'm not keen on sharing personal details, so I tend to avoid questions like "How many people are in your family?", "How old are you?", "What color is your hair?", etc. However, I enjoy answering questions about hobbies like favorite movies, music, actors, books, etc.

I like when other users comment on answers as it allows for the exchange of ideas and opinions.

Perhaps adding riddles could be more fun.

7 months ago
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Level: 590

I would like more questions about specific things like favorite type of ice cream, favorite shonen TV show, favorite fiction novel, etc. It would also be fun if we could have some kind of "riddle" question corner where you type a cryptic answer and other users have to guess what your answer means in the responses. (I can't think of a specific prompt for the riddle, though.)

7 months ago
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I agree that questions asking for personal details, including favorites, should be avoided. There’s just too much potential for identity theft.

The best questions, IMO, serve as writing prompts, and don’t encourage one-word answers. @Anonymous123 has written some responses that are particularly inspirational in this regard.

7 months ago
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Level: 283

Once the user-submitted questions system is in place, the questions will definitely be vetted - I agree, there are some questions that are either too personal, or too controversial for a place like renshuu.

Now, the majority of users on renshuu come in as zero-beginners, so while requiring full sentences is tricky, I am sure there are ways to encourage it. I'm not sure I have the time to do so, but giving sample answer templates (with translations) may be helpful.


A: ___がすきですか。(I like ....)

A2 (Challenge level) ___ですから。(Because ....)

7 months ago
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Level: 148

In regards to binding our sentences to the dictionary the thing that has always stopped me is the line “By binding vocab to your sentence, your private sentence will appear for all words in the sentence!” because when I’m answering question corner questions I want to explore and experiment with new grammar and vocabulary concepts that I’ve just learned and I’m worried that my clumsy attempts will be put in the dictionary for others to see, misleading those newer than me about proper grammar and word usage. It is possible I’ve misunderstood how this function works but if not it would be nice to have a way to bind the words in our sentence to the dictionary without binding the sentence to the dictionary, if that makes sense. I would definitely be more apt to use it if that was the case.

7 months ago
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Level: 283

In regards to binding our sentences to the dictionary the thing that has always stopped me is the line “By binding vocab to your sentence, your private sentence will appear for all words in the sentence!” because when I’m answering question corner questions I want to explore and experiment with new grammar and vocabulary concepts that I’ve just learned and I’m worried that my clumsy attempts will be put in the dictionary for others to see, misleading those newer than me about proper grammar and word usage. It is possible I’ve misunderstood how this function works but if not it would be nice to have a way to bind the words in our sentence to the dictionary without binding the sentence to the dictionary, if that makes sense. I would definitely be more apt to use it if that was the case.

This is a very interesting point that has never been brought up before. I'll think about it, but I think that could be an option to bind them, but not allow the "word links" which has them show up in (your) dictionary.

Even without that, though, reset assured that sentences you write and bind will NEVER appear for other users in the dictionary.

7 months ago
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Level: 892

I could have missed an easier way, but I remember getting a notification that one of my answers had a reply to it, but the notification didn't bring me directly to my answer. I had to scroll through all the answers to find mine just to check! So maybe either a search function/filter of some kind, just automatically putting your answer to the top or making it so the notification can directly link to the answer could help?

that's exactly what I came here to say! Clicking on the notification brought me to the correct page on which my comment was commented on. But no to the specific post and the post was not "unfolded" so I couldn't even see my comment. And since the notification only told me what the latest comment was and not to which original post it belonged it was hard to find. Which is a pity since i love commenting and getting comments :D I am using the renshuu app on android.

This does not only affect the question corner, I just had this problem in the haiku section. (Sorry, I already clicked on it) My Haiku was the second from the top, so not difficult to find, but the link only takes you to the top of the page.

7 months ago
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