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1.日本語: ボータン
場所: https://eu.renshuu.org/games/...
訂正: ボタン
Yea, it's part of the strings I haven't gotten done yet! That area is actually several separate strings stuck together, which is why it looks a bit off.
Is this instruction correct? The way I understand it, I'd expect to see a kanji and have to write the reading. But apparently it's the other way round.
日本語:5の8(8 of 5)
I don't know if this might be difficult to fix, as I imagine it's probably plugging in the applicable numbers into the same spots where they would be in the English sentence.
Because of some limitations with the language files, it reads the numbers in the same order (as you suspected).
I rewrote the string (it'll go up later), but it'll need a new translation file after that.
I really haven't been able to work on the Japanese translations for well over a year - if you are interested in contributing, please let me know!