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Level: 1893
It was literally every question on one quiz, I'd have to end the quiz and start again, answer one question (it was usually a review question, don't know if that changes anything), and then would get that. I did send an in-quiz error report as well (at least, I think I did? I tried to?) Ended up restarting my computer for an unrelated reason and after that, it worked fine. I'll see if it happens again?
5 years ago
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Level: 2203
5 years ago
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Level: 1147
*Edit* Fixed.
I submitted an in quiz bug report for the skinny radical issue, but basically what seems to be happening is that randomly the radical in the question prompt is displayed with a different font than is normally used. Normally the font used for radicals in the question prompt is the same font used for the kanji question prompts, but when they look skinny it's because the font used is the one used for radicals in the kanji dictionary, which is not the same font. It doesn't happen for every question prompt though, so I'm not sure if it's specific to certain radicals, though I have seen it happen twice for the radical.
5 years ago
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Level: 1111

When schedule names are too long to display, they push the study button over a couple pixels, which makes it too small to display the スタート text. In my case it only happens with textbook font, because the numbers change the length of that schedule's name. Android, Firefox
5 years ago
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Level: 283
I believe all visual issues up until this point should be fixed except for radical stuff.
1. Shrinking schedule buttons
2. Logo forcing buttons down in mobile quizzing
3. Disappearing question box
4. Buggy display issue with leaderboard tabs.
5 years ago
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Level: 1147

Edit: Fixed.

The non-flashcard/old view of the vocab new terms list at the beginning of a quiz no longer has text at the top telling you how many new terms there are.

5 years ago
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Level: 283
1. Added # of terms to the title of the page
2. Radicals should be matching the font of the rest of the site.
5 years ago
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Level: 1147

Edit: Fixed.

The formatting for the page numbers at the top of the forum only looks weird (Android/Firefox). The page numbers at the bottom still look the same.

5 years ago
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Level: 1147
Not sure if this is actually a beta issue or I just never noticed it before, but when I went to edit my posts to indicate that the bugs I reported were fixed, I found that there seems to be an inconsistency between the amount of empty lines added in the edit and what appears in the updated post. I added a line of text to the top of my posts, leaving one blank line between the new text and the original post content, but after submission, the edited posts sometimes appeared with no space or two empty lines between the edit and the original post. You can see the results in the Single Page App thread.
5 years ago
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Level: 1147

Edit: Fixed.

The end quiz button and the buttons to the right of it were missing when I did a noun counter quiz in the study center. I used the dashboard link to leave the quiz instead, and when I tried to start a vocab schedule quiz after that, I got an error message that said something about the quiz or terms being invalid; I can't remember the exact message, but it definitely wasn't the usual one that's triggered when only listening questions are left and listening questions are disabled. A refresh seems to have fixed both issues. Windows 10/Firefox.

5 years ago
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Level: 1147

*Edit* Fixed.

In Firefox on PC, the pink underlines for unknown words bump up against the text, unlike on mobile where there is at least a pixel of space between them:

5 years ago
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Level: 892
Not sure if this is actually a beta issue or I just never noticed it before, but when I went to edit my posts to indicate that the bugs I reported were fixed, I found that there seems to be an inconsistency between the amount of empty lines added in the edit and what appears in the updated post. I added a line of text to the top of my posts, leaving one blank line between the new text and the original post content, but after submission, the edited posts sometimes appeared with no space or two empty lines between the edit and the original post. You can see the results in the Single Page App thread.
I noticed the issue with space lines disappearing upon editing all throughout October, before beta started.
5 years ago
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Level: 892
In Firefox on PC, the pink underlines for unknown words bump up against the text, unlike on mobile where there is at least a pixel of space between them:
Is that maybe related to the font settings? I'm set to textbook font (but I believe my pc hasn't adopted it and is still running on basic font) and the underlines show up with a space.
5 years ago
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Level: 283

1. It is related to fonts, but I tried to put a bit more space between the terms and the underlined words.

2. It should now force proper margins between paragraphs in the forums (for new posts). Basically, I needed (just now) to switch off a setting that didn't force a new paragraph when you pressed return. Unfortunately, bugs have crept into this setting, and I don't want to wait for it to get fixed (if fixed at all).

3.Could not replicate the noun counter quiz. Does it happen for you if you refresh on the study center before you load the quiz?

4.The page numbers on firefox only seems to happen on firefox mobile, not on desktop, which is going to make fixing it tricky. Oddly enough, the code for the page links at the bottom and top is identical, so not sure why they are acting differently.

5 years ago
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Level: 1147

Edit: Fixed.

The noun counter quiz was just the first time I saw it, the end quiz button actually disappeared on me several times yesterday, including during several vocab schedule quizzes. Much like the disappearing question panel bug, it appears to be random. Sometimes the other buttons next to it also disappeared, sometimes not. I submitted an in quiz report the one time the problem? button didn't disappear with it.

5 years ago
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Level: 283

I found at least one edge case which would make the buttons partially disappear, and fixed that. Although I cannot prove it helps since I cannot replicate the original bug, I did add some code that should hopefully help with the questions not appearing sometimes.

5 years ago
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Level: 1147

Seeing some vertical alignment issues with Japanese text:

5 years ago
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Level: 283

I'm sure it's right in front of me, but what is off with the alignment?

5 years ago
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Level: 892

I only see that the bottom line of sits a couple pixels higher than the other kanji. Not sure if that's supposed to be that way, though

5 years ago
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Level: 283

That is probably just the way the font is designed =/

5 years ago
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