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Forums - Schedule summary bug pt 2 - in-quiz feedback

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Level: 1
Just had a crazy problem with my summary numbers. My Everything schedule (16619) was at 140-something on the dashboard. I clicked "Study" from there and answered 4 questions when I realized that I was at question 4 out of 330-something. I hit "End Quiz" and now the finish page and schedule summary both say I have 666 left to study. Flushing the schedule didn't fix anything. [url=http://i.imgur.com/cY0KZuG.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/cY0KZuG.png[/img][/url] 666 questions is nowhere near what I should be at. I also noticed that a whole lot of words I've studied for a long time went down to level 1: [url=http://i.imgur.com/C2dHHZl.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/C2dHHZl.png[/img][/url] UPDATE: Tried quizzing for a few minutes and think I know what the problem is. It's showing all kanji in black for me, as if I knew them. All the words that got bumped down to level 1 were words that I don't know that kanji for yet. It seems like it thinks I suddenly know all the kanji for some reason, and they're now due since I've never studied the kanji vectors before.
11 years ago
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Level: 2002
My schedule numbers are still all over the place. 5233 threw another 51 question quiz yesterday, and 5078 and 5702 are off by two to eight terms nearly every day (5702 is the worst in that regard.) I had a quiz lock up on Saturday as well. I know other schedule numbers were off as recently as Saturday, but they seem to be behaving over the last few days. I think I'm out of the vocab logging but still in the kanji, judging by the length of time it takes.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
shvelven's issue is not related to the schedule summary issue - it's been looked into separately. Quizzes that are giving the wrong number of terms (compared to settings) are also not related to this - if so, open up a new thread please so I can keep everything straight. I actually haven't had a single negative report on the 20-30 schedules currently being logged; I'll take those out today or tomorrow and throw in the ones that are giving you problems, but I have extremely confident that we are practically at the end of the tunnel in terms of issues.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Alright - took everyone's quizzes out of the logger, and added in じゅうり's vocab ones.
11 years ago
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Level: 2002
Yeesh, now I remember why I hated being in the logging so much. 5233 threw a 51 question quiz first thing (first quiz of the day) [url=http://i.imgur.com/KuEaCPx.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/KuEaCPx.png[/img][/url] Set off an error message when a quiz froze up. I resent the answer to see if it would trip, and it did. The others behaved, but now it's spreading. 4183 said 5 rts, got 6 and 7368 said 35 rts got 36. Small differences, but I'd rather see more terms than fewer. Thank you thank you thank you for finally taking me out of the kanji logging. If you still want me to start a new thread, I will.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Hmm - next time you get the 51 issue with #5233, try this for me - immediately stop, go into the schedule settings and turn off the 'add terms from my studypad', then give it a shot, and let me know what you see. PS: I already got a report from one of your quizzes - I will not be able to look at it in depth until this evening, but seeing how small the number mistakes are on your quizzes, this might be the only bug that needs to be fixed.
11 years ago
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Level: 2002
Ignore the error report, I wasn't paying attention and double entered the answer. Everything went smoothly (if very slowly) today. 5233 cooperated as well.
11 years ago
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Level: 2002
5233 gave a 51 question quiz today...did what you said and it fixed itself. If you think that's what it was, take me out of the logging and I'll add the terms from my studypad individually. I think it's strange while I'm out of the logging my schedule numbers are all over the place, but once you put me in they behave. Oh well, I can deal with a few extra terms a day.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
じゅうり---As far as I can tell from reading this thread, there are a few fundamental questions which haven't been answered (I promise I don't mean any offense if this seems really obvious to you): [b]1[/b]) Do you have any terms in your studypad? [b]2a[/b]) Under Settings→Auto Review, is the slider labelled [b]Mix studypad terms into quizzes[/b] turned on? [b]2b[/b]) In your schedule settings, under Settings→General, is the slider labelled [b]Include studypad terms[/b] turned on? If the answer is "yes" for 1 and "yes" for either 2a or 2b, I know why your quiz numbers are off. When you start a quiz, the site gives you 50 questions, [i]and then[/i] adds a few questions from your studypad. I believe this is normal behavior (it's how my quizzes have worked since 2.0). I just want to confirm that this is not the root of your problem.
11 years ago
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Level: 2002
1. Mix studypad terms is off. 2. Even with the studypad on, the numbers for that one schedule (5233) have always been consistent (50 questions). Only since the beta began have the numbers been off. 3. The four schedules that have been showing the largest differences have never had the studypad turned on. 4. Studypad is currently empty, and even when it contained terms, none were in the four "problem" schedules. That "obvious" enough for you?
11 years ago
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Level: 283
There's really no need to be anything but friendly - everyone is just trying to get the issues fixed. The reason I brought up the studypad issue is because upon checking out the first schedule you mentioned (5233), the 'mix studypad into schedule' *was* turned on in the schedule's settings. I could not test it myself at the time because the schedule had been studied to completion at the time. The reason that the schedules 'behave' better in the logging (and also the reason that it takes so long for each question) is the summary is getting rebuilt and saved after each question is answered. This is used both to check the processing done on that question (internal to the quiz) and to prevent bad numbers from stacking up and making the origin of the issue near impossible to discover. I did get one error yesterday (summary mismatch) that I need to look into - it was a busy day, but I expect to get to it this evening.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
Haha, yeah, that's plenty obvious. I did helpdesk for a while in college and you'd be surprised how often the simple solutions are overlooked. Sorry to bring it up :).
11 years ago
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Level: 2002
My apologies, that was uncalled for. I'm just never allowed to have a bad day, am I. I repeat, IGNORE the error messages. That was me being distracted by a foot-eating cat and double-entering the answer. 5233 was the only schedule with the studypad turned on. Don't ask why, cause I don't remember. Most of my schedules have had the same settings since they were created. We're talking years here.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Actually - the site should be able to 'block' against double answers. I'm curious - does it occur when the site 'times out' and you have to hit it again? Also - if that is true, was this happening (the timeouts) when the logger was turned off (going fast), or only when it's been activated? I'd like to get a bit more info regarding your offset issues - if I understand it correctly, you will study a schedule, and then when you move onto the next schedule, you get less or more than what is displayed on the schedule summary (in other words, it never happens on the first schedule you study for that day, only schedules afterwards?). You mentioned RTS - so you're referring to the ready to study numbers; the debug 'left for today' number that appears underneath the 'ready to study' - does that match the RTS, or is it perhaps inline with what the quiz is feeding you? It *sounds* like what is happening is a)you study schedule #1, no issues with that schedule, but terms that overlap into another schedule are causing issues, so when you start schedule #2 (with a shared term), the initial summary numbers are not accurate?
11 years ago
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Level: 2002
Answering twice does not cause problems when I'm out of the logging. I did have a couple of timeouts though. The first error was a time out, the second was me being distracted and not noticing the site was "processing". I know the numbers have been off on the first schedule before, but it's usually with the last quiz. The "leftovers" if you will. My main schedules are set for 50 question quizzes, so it's pretty easy to tell when the numbers are off. Especially when it says I have say 18 left to study and I get a 21 question quiz. The ready to study (rts) numbers and the debug numbers match. It's the number of questions I get that is different. If you think it's the crossover terms that are causing problems, go ahead and take me out of the logging and I'll get to work on my major project of separating terms into specific schedules-----which I've been meaning to get around to for over a year now.....
11 years ago
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Level: 2002
Wouldn't overlapping terms give me fewer terms to study not more?? BTW 5078 said 30 rts today and gave me a 31 question quiz. I looked at the rts numbers for the other three schedules and the summary page (all numbers matched) before I continued, and none of the others gave me any trouble.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Thanks for the info..let me brew on it a bit and figure out the best path I want to take to try and pull out the issue.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Before I forget - if the numbers are ever off for the very first quiz of the day, I'd love to get a crack at looking at that before you do any studying. This is a bit tedious, but is *much* better than slowing the quizzes down any further. First, a question: it sounds like most of the time you notice that the numbers are off because the rts is lower than the quiz size. For your 'leftover' schedule, is that because there are generally only a few terms left *after* studying all the other schedules, or is the number of terms to study at the beginning of the day already under the quiz size limit?
11 years ago
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Level: 34
Regarding the 51 questions in a quiz issue... (not sure you want this part of this thread or a new issue... if you want a new issue i can re-post). I had the "Review terms from outside of schedule" option turned up to about mid-level on my schedules. However, I decided to put it back to NONE because I didn't want questions from other schedules mixing in. All of my schedules now give me 51 questions every time, even though I have the "Review terms" and "Include studypad terms" set to NONE. [my quizzes are set to 50 questions] I did notice that the "Review Terms" slider goes back up slightly above NONE (not aligned with the Include Studypad slider), although not sure if that is true condition or just a cosmetic/alignment issue. I thought maybe it was just me, but then noticed it looks like others have similar issue in this thread.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
THANK YOU. I found out that in the settings, even if you set the sliders to the bottom, the range on the sliders were from 1 to 100%, so the lowest setting was still 1%. Please go through each of your schedules and ensure that both sliders are all the way to the left, then save again.
11 years ago
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