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Level: 283
1. Unsubscribe has been added to subscribed topics tab 2. A link to the config page has been added - you can now add, remove, and move around the 'elements' on the dashboard. Next up, adding some config options to some of the elements. Once I hear back from a few of you regarding your suggestions for new elements, I'll add them as well!
12 years ago
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Level: 283
Added options for 1 Missed terms (choose up to 30) 2. Games (choose which games to display, up to 3 of each).
12 years ago
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Level: 677
Fantastic job! I love being able to customise everything just the way I want it. Thank you! One tiny note: would it be possible to make the "Configure my dashboard" link a bit more visible? Perhaps move it to the top-right of the page or make it a button? I know where it is now, but I completely missed it at first.
12 years ago
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Level: 283
Definitely. Will do so.
12 years ago
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Level: 283
PS: Would love input on what would be useful in a 'study stats' field. There's SO many stats that I'm not sure what would be useful (or good motivation) in a small box.
12 years ago
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Level: 28
I'm not sure how much you want to duplicate information from our profiles, but I think things like consecutive days studied/number of terms needed to reach the next hanko level, etc. could be nice to have! I know I'm always going to my profile to check that kind of thing.
12 years ago
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Level: 199
Have played around with the configuration options and I really like them! So cool! I was the one going on about grammar practice -- if there's a box for the grammar library on the dashboard, I'd ideally like links to the last subset of the grammar library where I was studying last. (i.e. 'N5 - Particles') so I can pick it back up there. Or the option of setting for example the N5 grammar as 'grammar I'm currently working through' and get there through one click. About the settings, I personally would love a direct link to the main settings. I don't actually change my individual quiz settings any more often than the main settings, and my current way of finding the main settings feels very going-to-Russia-via-the-southpole. I'd also find it neat if going to 'renshuu.org' would take me to the dashboard once it's all finished and live. (At the moment it takes me to the last schedule I quizzed; if there are settings for that anywhere, I haven't found them!) As for study stats, I agree with できるだけ, days consecutively studied and things like 'X much more until the next Y' would be cool. (I haven't quite gotten the hang of hankos myself but in general, 'X more until Y' is something that really works for me.) I'd also find general quiz accuracy a good option.
12 years ago
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Level: 283
I could try and put together a script that (for all the numbered ones) would give you, for example, the ones you are closest to completing (ranked by percentage to next goal) - of course, it would only be a few, otherwise, the list would get a bit hard to wield. Let me work on that now! I also added one that links to the free puzzle worksheets for the month - available on the config page.
12 years ago
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Level: 283
kjulia: let me think a bit on the grammar practice and the study stats. I got a hanko thing made, will be adding it shortly. Once it's all done, there will be an option (default for new users?) to have renshuu.org go to the dashboard. The main settings - you're referring to the one with several tabs for profile, quizzing, kanji study history, etc - right? The one that you can get to by going to the tools icon in the top-right corner? If not, could you take a screenshot of the settings page you're referring to?
12 years ago
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Level: 283
Update - hankos added! Go to config page to add it!
12 years ago
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Level: 199
Yes, I meant the one I got to when I noticed the tools icon. ^^;; Sorry, for some reason I never realised there was a link there. In which case it really wouldn't need to be on the dashboard.
12 years ago
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Level: 436
As shvelven reported it, I also have horizontal scrollbar in boxes when the font size is too large (firefox/kde). I like to increase my font size, as my sight is not anymore was it used to be :o As a dashboard, it would be even more helpful if it could use all the screen size currently available. 2 columns on my 930px netbook is fine, but I could easily add a third column on my desktop 1440px wide screen. (though it would mean to implements saving different settings for each browser, but could be also a nice feature one day, as I would also like to automatically disable sound when I'm at work. I digress sorry). Also I really like the « missed top 10 », would be even greater if I could double or triple the allocated height to see the whole thing in a glance. I guess that's the kind of requests that would need some code rework though :-[
12 years ago
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Level: 199
Possible bug: when I get an alert in the 'Unread posts' tab of the 'Latest forum posts' box, and click on the link to go check it out, it doesn't seem to 'take' that I've now read this entry. The '1 alert' notification in the top-right corner of the screen stays on until I've gone into *that* and clicked the link to the 'unread' (but by now read) forum post from there.
12 years ago
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Level: 1893
tiny thing - on the configure dashboard page, under the hanko module - should be "...you are [u]close[/u] to getting" - not closed ;)
12 years ago
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Level: 283
Someone please post something to this thread so I can test out the bug that kjulia mentioned.
12 years ago
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Level: 283
FoeNyx: with regards to the lengthening of the boxes - would it be too simplistic if there was just an option to say 'make all boxes as long as content and remove scroll bars', or would you want it per box? I think saying 'twice' or 'three times' as long would be troublesome, so I feel like either 'fixed' or 'full' should be the only two options.
12 years ago
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Level: 1
testing, testing, one, two three...is this thing on?
12 years ago
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Level: 283
kjulia - what happens when you click the 'view latest' link? does it get marked then?
12 years ago
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Level: 199
Had to wait till I got another notification for a tracked post. No difference. I clicked on the 'View latest' link in the 'Latest forum posts > Unread posts' box/tab but it didn't take, the 1 still shows up (even now) in the top right corner as an unread notification, even after refresh. Mind, I also have the 'My site alerts' box on my dashboard. There, the same forum post I just clicked on as described above still shows as an unread alert, so that might be interference. I suppose technically speaking the 'alert' is really unread, because I didn't read the alert, I read the forum post the alert is about, but I think that's a weird doubling of 'go read this', and it would make more sense if the alert about an unread forum post would go away if the forum post is no longer unread.
12 years ago
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Level: 677
Thanks for moving Configure My Dashboard AND making it a button! Looks great and, in my opinion, is now easier to see/find. One VERY small note: some box titles have all words capitalized ("My Site Alerts"), others have only the first word capitalized ("My schedules"). It didn't really ht me until I saw the Configure button ("Configure My dashboard"). I think it might look better with all words capitalized. For that matter, it might be nice if all box titles/headlines used the all-words-capitalized format.
12 years ago
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