Hello guys. I watched an Anime and now I am thinking about the grammar of a sentence.
Anime: Bakemonogatari
EP 2, Minute 16~
"私を犯そうとしたら..." = "as he tried to rape me..."
In this sentence, I am not sure about, if this grammar is correct or just casual speaking. Is there a rule, which says, that a verb can fuse together with "そうだ". :o
"私を犯すそうとしたら" sounds really bad, so I am thinking about a rule. You got an idea?
PS: sorry for my bad english, I am not a native speaker. :P
This will help! https://eu.renshuu.org/grammar/87/
If you're not in beta renshuu, that link might not work. If it doesn't, try searching ようとする in the grammar dictionary.