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Forums - My account keeps resetting

Top > renshuu.org > Bugs / Problems

Level: 206

Hello. I've been using the Android app exclusively for a year, and my first problem popped up last week.

My account seemingly reset. I was in the middle of reviews and Day Mode popped on. All the options went back to default, I received all the Welcome to Renshuu messages, and while it didn't mess with my masteries or schedules, it seemingly unlearned all my kanji. Even with all the right boxes checked, every kanji appeared as kana in the answers. Setting the kanji I already knew to N1 (something I never did originally despite knowing a lot of Japanese) seemed to fix this issue. This happened exactly at 10 o'clock, so I was thinking there was an update, but no.

A week passes with no further problems, but it did it again the following Friday night. Had to go mess with all the settings again. Then Saturday morning, only a few lessons later, it reset again. This time, it caused all my kanji lessons to be studied. That partially went back to normal after some time passed, but some unlearned kanji stayed marked as studied. And then when looking at my vocab, kanji was still appearing as kana even with the N1 checked. While looking through those options, all my unstudied vocab studied itself.

The masteries still seem Ok, but I'm worried it's going to reset again. Any idea what is going on?

20 hours ago
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