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Forums - [Discussion] Usage notes/Discussion for grammar.

Top > renshuu.org > Feature Requests/Improvements

Level: 283

I'm about ready to start thinking about the conversion of the current grammar/conversations into a way that is more accessible by learners on renshuu.

Currently, there are two types of user contributions on grammar pages. They are currently only visible if you go to the full grammar page in the grammar library. (Unlike other notes, there is no indication of their presence in grammar lists/quizzes/dictionary)

"Usage Notes"

These are meant to be non-discussion (although they should allow replies in the future), but additional information to help users understand the grammar.


These are usually question/answer based, and look similar to the forums because they are actually mini-forums on each grammar page, and are also visible if you dig into renshuu's forums.

The full versions of both of these examples are on the ながら page here: https://eu.renshuu.org/gramma...

Overall concerns:

1. Visibility for the usage notes is extremely low

2. I am usually the only person to answer questions in the Discussion section (visibility is low, even in the forums).

3. As noted before, users are not made aware of this information unless they get all the way into the grammar library page.

Now, we have seen *amazing* contributions to vocabulary, kanji, and sentences in renshuu through usage notes, mnemonics, and grammar definitely deserves this treatment. Both kanji and vocabulary layouts do not encourage discussion, so I think sentence notes are the closest in structure to what we are looking for.

Below is an example of some of the back-and-forth for one of the sentences on renshuu:

Note that this one *only* has questions and answers. Sentences also allow for alternate translations and content notes (which feel similar to "usage notes" for the grammar).

However, I expect some grammar pages to have a lot more discussion on them than any single sentence, so interlacing "discussion" with "notes" is probably not ideal.

My initial feel is to, on the "notes" page (similar to sentences), have a layout similar to this:

(grammar header with basic info)

**Grammar notes**

<form to add a grammar note - specifying that this is not for questions>

existing notes

**Questions and Discussion**

<form to add a question>

existing questions/answers/comments (with way to reply, like sentences now)

So unlike the sentences, have two clear sections with two separate forms.


2 days ago
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Level: 816

I'm having a bit of a hard time visualizing how it would look differently from what we have. Basically the Q&D would get a reply function? I think that sounds like a good idea.

However, I have a different issue with grammar notes. I guess they are not vetted, since they appear immediately, and there's no way to hide a note or categorize it somehow. There's a lot of user notes that are some translations into Thai or some other script I don't know and they take up a lot of screen on mobile, or sometimes people don't follow the "no discussion" rule and there are some random comments there.

1 day ago
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Level: 283

They would get a one time pass through before appearing in the new system to get the "spam" and non-English ones out of there (and categorized appropriately). So it would *not* be a simple copy-over.

1 day ago
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Level: 182

Personally, I haven’t used the grammar discussions much, since my focus has been on writing my own sentences for N3/N2 and tracking my progress through the user sentences section. That feature has been great for keeping me motivated, especially with the % tracking under my profile. I think expanding that tracking (or even gamifying it) could further boost engagement.

That said, I can see how improved visibility for grammar notes & discussions could make the grammar pages more useful for those looking for explanations rather than just practice. Maybe adding a news feed to highlight recent or popular discussions on grammar pages would help surface these contributions better?

11 hours ago
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