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Level: 1390

Due to some messed up bug all the vocabs I previously marked as hidden are suddenly unmarked and I have well over a thousand vocabs all of a sudden to learn. Can somebody explain to me what happened here. I am kinda irritated about it.

6 days ago
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Level: 283

Thanks for the report. On tapping the schedule's name to go to the summary, I see well over 5,000 terms marked as hidden, so I am not sure that the terms were marked as unhidden.

Looking at the mastery level graphs on that page for the various study vectors, it looks like all of the "to study" terms are kanji related vectors. Have you made any recent changes to settings / known kanji knowledge, or anything related to kanji that you can recall?

6 days ago
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Level: 1390

The only thing that I changed that day in the setting was the display language (changed it from German to English). I didn't change anything related to kanji.

6 days ago
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Level: 283

Thanks for the update. With the information I posted above in mind, do you still think it was an issue with hidden terms becoming unhidden, just that it wasn't "all of them", but a "a good chunk" (1000 or so?) of them?

I presume that some of the "to study" terms are ones that you did not originally have hidden, so this is probably not an ideal solution, but I could run a one-time script to hide any terms in that schedule that are currently "ready to study/review"

6 days ago
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Level: 1390

Right now about 50 % are marked as hidden, before the incident it probably was around 80 %. As I see it, the only way to restore my vocabulary to its former state, is to go through each kanji manually and check the associated vocabs that are not hidden. I'd rather do it like this, because if everything is marked as hidden I would really have to go through every single vocab to see if I need to remove it from the hidden list which would take even more time.

6 days ago
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Level: 283

I see - thanks for the update, and my apologies for the issue. I honesty cannot think of a way that the system could have caused this issue - the only places that terms can be marked as hidden in a batch are the Tinker view for a list of terms (and that would have been an all or nothing thing), or the Actions on the Advanced Search (but you would have to go in and manually take those steps).

I'll continue to look into the issue in the hopes that I figure out what happened.

5 days ago
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Level: 1390

Well, I was able to restore my vocabulary manually for the most part, so that's that.

I appreciate your continued effort to understand this bug to prevent it from happening again to me or anyone else in the future. I remembered that, first I changed the language to English for the GUI and then dictionary language as well. Then I updated my profile description and altered my profile name to better reflect my name's spelling in katakana. I didn't change anything about the whole vocab lists or the settings regarding how renshuu lets me practice it. And that's basically the only thing I did the day before renshuu went rogue on me.

If I can provide you with any more information regarding this bug, let me know.

5 days ago
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Level: 283

Thanks again - I'll let you know if there is anything else I can think of.

4 days ago
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