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This may be because I don’t know what I’m doing, but it seems that you could only search for one word at a time when adding it to your list. Is there a way to search for multiple words at once? I tried putting one word on a line, and then another on the next line, but that didn’t work. I also tried commas between words. If this is not currently possible, is it something that can be improved? Also, one thing that kept tripping me up as I was adding words, is that after you add the word, the text box disappears, and then you had to click on “add another word” to open it back up. Why did such a simple thing keep tripping me up, you ask? Because every time I would go to enter the next word, I would end up entering it in the text box for the list description instead of the textbook to add the next word. Is it possible to just leave the text box open?
Thank you so much for having an open door policy to keep improving the already awesome app!
Putting one word per line works for me. Might be something specific to your device. Or possibly some weird whitespace characters if you copy pasted it.
You may want to try using the "Reading Buddy" interface (in Resources) to modify your lists. It starts searching automatically without even having to press a button, so you may find it's easier to use.
Thanks Anonymous123. I wonder why it doesn’t work for me. I am using the mobile app. I haven’t tried using the Reading Buddy yet. I glanced at it, but didn’t really understand how it works. I’ll have to search for a tutorial video or help article. Thanks for the suggestion.
Reading Buddy has a "How to use the Reading Buddy" link at the top of the page when you visit it, that you may find helpful.
Thank you, Anonymous 123. I did read the how to. I probably just have to start using it, and then I’ll get it. Oh, and now I was able to figure out how to add multiple words on the regular list creator. I think my problem before was that some of the words I was adding weren’t found in the dictionary, so while I was adding multiple words to the search, it wasn’t finding the others. It was returning a long list all related to the first word I entered, and I was scanning down the list and not seeing the other words. But that’s because it wasn’t finding them. I’ve since learned how to better locate those tricky words. The instructions do tell you to enter one word per line, but since it didn’t work for me initially, I was confused. Your reassurance that it should work when you enter one per line prompted me to go back and try it again, and I eventually figured it out. So thank you so much.