掲示板 Forums - Bug in my japanese grammar library :
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Top > 日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! > Anything About Japanese
I have been noticing whenever I type new sentences in either someone's comment or esp. typing new sentences in grammar library, I always have to reload the page, which becomes difficult, it just stops the page showing the barrier emoji ( circle with a strike ).
I have tried searching the thread for this type of bug, I found some of them but they didn't have the post option like they have been discontinued or I just couldn't find one and takes lot of time.
There has been some discussion of this bug under the sentence notes thread. Michael hasn’t been able to replicate it yet, apparently.
If you can replicate it reliably (as in, there is a specific set of steps that always causes it), I'd love to see a video of it happening.
I didn't understood by replicating. But do you mean that I should give you the steps of the bug how's it caused?
Basically, yes. However, the steps need to be such that every time you do those steps, the bug reappears. The best way to show this is by recording you using the site/app, then sending me a copy of the video (you can send it to michael@renshuu.org)
I tried sending a video but that video is too big on gmail and is not even attaching so I took pictures ;(
Okay so what I did I went in the grammar library of te and add some sentences , after writing it in the text box I pressed submit. Then what happens the submit button grey out and when I hover my cursor over the button it shows this sign ( kinda ) like this, and still I can type in the text box:
So, what I would do I waited one minute nothing happened still the same, I reloaded the page and after going to the sentence box it was there.
And now it is happening when I post to other peoples comments In he question corner ( I noticed now ), somehow I can still type in the text box
Not sure about the second one, but the first one (grammar library) should be fixed, so please check that out first :)
Yes, thank you so much it has been fixed!
Btw what was the problem?
Just some stuff in renshuu's code - I had updated the code to handle a new part of the system, but I neglected to add this older page.
Just some stuff in renshuu's code - I had updated the code to handle a new part of the system, but I neglected to add this older page.