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Forums - [Discussion] Possible changes to sentence notes

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Level: 283

Additionally, one more thing: this will also happen:


QUESTION 1 : has responses

QUESTION 2: no responses

this will appear due to question 2, but question 1 does appear first since it's organized by time. Shouldn't be completely hidden, as it's quite possible that someone will want to respond to 2 by saying "read the comments above" in addition to their answer, but not quite ideal at the moment.

11 days ago
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I just received several notifications saying that a response had been made to a comment I left, but there were no such responses. I’ve left them in my inbox if you want to take a look.

11 days ago
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The experience is much smoother now, but Hide questions that Others have responded to still doesn’t seem to be working correctly. As far as I can tell, it hides questions with responses from everyone except マイコー and gillianfaith.

It’s also not easy to find alternate translations or content notes. Maybe there should be a filter that hides all questions. Or maybe we should be able to select which one of the three types to view at a time.

1 day ago
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Level: 283

As to the first, is it possible that there is unanswered question on the sentence, but ALSO other answered topics? At the moment, say you have a sentence, with Q1>A1, Q2>A2, then Q3. It'll come up as having an unanswered question.

So it might be worthwhile re-ordering it to show unanswered stuff first, but I do think it is worthwhile to have the other question threads present - no point in rewriting something if you can refer to content that is already on that page :)

As to the second, will consider it!

8 hours ago
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No, I’m fairly certain the situation is as I described it.


8 hours ago
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