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Forums - Thoughts on Japan

Top > 会話 / General discussion > Japan, にほん, 日本

Level: 18

Wondering if the textbooks people here used to study made them think differently about Japanese culture/language

Someone told me the Marugoto series made them see Japanese people to be more in tune with nature.

For me, I think the Genki series made me think of the Japanese language as very polite, before I reached the advanced level.

How about everyone here? What do you think? (and which books!)

4 months ago
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Level: 590

I don't use textbooks to study, but my general studies have garnered a sense of respect for the general politeness found in the Japanese language. While English text leaves a lot to the reader's interpretation, Japanese text has its own pronounced level of politeness, from extreme courtesy to blunt (or outright rude) speech, all without relying on audible tones as a communication vector. (I primarily play Japanese video games for exposure purposes, and the degree of courtesy, or lack thereof, tends to be jarring in comparison to the neutral English dialogue, in a good way of course.) Just a thought.

4 months ago
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