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Forums - Fall/Winter 2024 Feature - Study Groups

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Level: 351

I don't know if I have the time/bandwidth to join a group, but it sounds like a super fun idea that I would love to participate in (if only I had the energy to do everything!)

5 months ago
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Level: 351

I like the idea of private groups later down the line... perhaps a classroom teacher could create a study group for his/her students in the future?

5 months ago
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Level: 283

Private will most likely not be possible, at least until WAY later down the line - renshuu is a small enough company that we (I, really) cannot manage the potential reports for content that come from private communications, which is why the private DMs were removed earlier this year.

5 months ago
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Level: 186

I'd also be interested in this! There are language exchange apps, but I think that learning alongside other learners would be a really unique strength to renshuu. I don't personally use Discord, so there's not really anywhere else to find this sort of thing for me.

Something I'd like to see personally with this new feature (and even outside of this feature like on the Friends list), is an option for a team-based learning where everyone's contributions can affect. For example, a shared level bar for the group or other rewards, or some kind of system where you all can see each other's progress and, if you see someone struggling/lagging behind the group with a specific word, maybe the others in the group can see that and all pitch in to create mnemonics for them or discuss it. Perhaps something kind of like "baton passes", where if person 1 studies, and then person 2 studies, it increases the chain and awards person 2 at double XP, and then person 1 can study and recieve three times the XP, that way it motivates you to take advantage of someone else studying and make a chain reaction.

Anyway sorry for being long-winded, it's just some random rough ideas, hopefully something in there looks interesting and catches your eye or even makes you think of something totally different, and if not, that's ok too! Thanks for all your hard work, マイコー! renshuu truly is a masterpiece and has helped me so much!

3 months ago
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Level: 42

This would be so awesome in multiple ways, people motivating each other while orienting themselves to a certain set of specific studies and so on.

Suggestion I'd have for it (it may be unnecessary and I'm just suggesting because I think it'd be cool):

  • Group Hanko Banners/Logos: let people set a hanko for their group and it'd be displayed by the side of the group title and description on the group search list - a problem it could occur: increasing bandwidth usage for people who use bandwidth limited data internet provider plans, possible solution to that: have compact/minimalist (no group hankos displayed) and detailed view for group search lists
1 month ago
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