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Forums - Fall/Winter 2024 Feature - Study Groups

Top > renshuu.org > Feature Requests/Improvements

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Level: 283

I think this idea still needs a lot of discussion, but it's been bubbling around in my head, and I think it could be a huge benefit to many learners in renshuu's community.

I received inspiration from the Book Club that "meets" weekly in our discord server. It's a loosely-knit group of learners who come together on their own time to read books, discuss what they read, and study the words on renshuu via public word lists. So, here's my idea:

Study Groups

What are they? They would be pages within renshuu that you could subscribe to and be a member of. Study groups be built around any theme or goal: it might be a group reading a particular book, studying for a test (or even a class at a school), or fans of a singer/manga/game/whatever!

Possible features

1. A communal set of lists (pruned from the Community Lists) for materials that benefit that group. I think I could even work on a new feature that would allow multiple people to add/remove from the same list (with permission levels for users)

2. Public groups, with possibility of private groups later on

3. Group-specific discussion board for talking about related topics, asking questions, etc.

4. Group-specific daily challenges and/or kao garden quests! These could be "built" by the admin of the group to tie into whatever the group is doing (although there would be hard, global limits on how much you could get from group reward to prevent abuse of the system)

5. "Private" versions of Question Corner, etc. to run within your group.

It always makes me happy to see so many people talk about how much they love the community in renshuu, and I'm hoping we can come up with something here that could help you all interact more, motivate one another, and be happier in your learning journey.

Please tell me what you think and what you'd like to see! Development on this has not started, so this is the best time to get your ideas in

7 months ago
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Level: 481

A discussion board... for the theme of the group... yes yes yes a million times yes–

7 months ago
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Level: 283

As they will be public, the focus will be on Japanese learning, so general topics of conversation will be discouraged and sent back to the main forums.

7 months ago
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Level: 481

...Perhaps clarification on what "related topics" means would be good.

Wouldn't it only be natural for a group based around, say, a specific anime, to have a small corner about general discussion of the series? If that wouldn't be permissible, then a dedicated section in the main forums for such threads would not be amiss, since as things are now, any such threads are completely drowned out, if they even exist...

7 months ago
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Level: 283

The main goal is to help others study and learn better. I see these groups as acting as ways to help gather materials to help with studying a topic/theme, and to help with motivation sure to the other elements in renshuu, peer support/feedback, etc.

At the same time, as sole developer and maintainer of renshuu, I do not want to make renshuu bigger than it needs to be, as I will not be able to maintain and moderate it properly.

So to take your anime example - that's a great focus for a study group. However, I would like to encourage a group of learners (and not just a group of fans). So, I would like to structure it to *focus* on the learning- the shared study materials, group goals, kao-garden quests, etc.

If there are a lot of groups that, however, do not show any signs of studying together, and just get together to discuss the show, share memes, pics, etc., then I feel that would be a better community for elsewhere.

I hope this clarification makes sense. I think the format of the study group page will be an essential part in determining how the groups will act, which is why I want a lot of discussion ahead of time to help make it ideal for learners.

7 months ago
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I’m confused on something

How would permission be granted for editing the lists. If this is a hit, which I predict it will be, there will be a lot of different groups. So either you’d have to grant permission yourself in each group , or some sort of leader or head of the group would have to grant permission. Which brings up another question; how would the leader be picked. Would a group of people elect them, or would you select them, or would it just be the creator of the thread? And also would you limit the number of people able to work on the list, because with a lot of people, it would probably be pretty chaotic with a so many people adding to the list at once.

these are just a couple things that instantly came to my mind, and might take a bit of work to sort out
thanks for all of your hard work, it’s really appreciated

5 months ago
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Level: 1893

If there could be functionality for the group admin to see how group members are studying on the site (ie a teacher could potentially assign homework on Renshuu and be able to check at least completion of quizzes etc), I'm in!

5 months ago
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Level: 173

These ideas sound like they will be great additions. Awesome creativity, マイコー. Best of luck with the development and implementation.

5 months ago
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Level: 37

If there could be functionality for the group admin to see how group members are studying on the site (ie a teacher could potentially assign homework on Renshuu and be able to check at least completion of quizzes etc), I'm in!

This sounds interesting but specifically in regards to what you refer to as how members are studying? From the top of my head I could think of: being able to see the learning/review statistics correlating with every other group member; people could check out who in the group are currently making progress towards any group-specific daily challenges and/or kao garden quests as a way to know who are participating in those; people could check out who in the group are using any of the group list and which ones; statistics based on group lists usage.

5 months ago
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Level: 1893

If there could be functionality for the group admin to see how group members are studying on the site (ie a teacher could potentially assign homework on Renshuu and be able to check at least completion of quizzes etc), I'm in!

This sounds interesting but specifically in regards to what you refer to as how members are studying? From the top of my head I could think of: being able to see the learning/review statistics correlating with every other group member; people could check out who in the group are currently making progress towards any group-specific daily challenges and/or kao garden quests as a way to know who are participating in those; people could check out who in the group are using any of the group list and which ones; statistics based on group lists usage.

I'm thinking like being able to see essentially the end screen of quizzes - the percentage and number of terms quizzed in a specific list/schedule - the other statistics are also interesting on a non-educational level, but as a teacher I'd want to see who is using the lists and how well they're doing with them (which is already shown to individual users, so it's already data the site is collecting). Also being able to check students' example sentences on grammar pages without having to find each individual sentence (like if I could just see a list of recently written sentences for the group) to check writing accuracy there. If I could see more specific data like what terms are missed the most among the whole group/class, that would be a bonus for me, but just the completion data would work for my purposes!

5 months ago
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Level: 272

My main question is what will end up not getting created/improved in Renshuu in order to build this out?

There are things I'd rather see in Renshuu than this. The ideas mentioned here are things I personally have no interest in and wouldn't be helpful to me personally.

I swear, I am not trying to just be a downer here. I LOVE renshuu sooo much. This is the best app I've ever used and it keeps me motivated every single day. I feel this way even though I don't really use the community features much.

Personally, I'd much rather see things like:

  • more games, such as more counting system help (e.g., a quiz where the date, time, counter etc is spoken).
  • graded reading materials (like 1-2 paragraphs at a time) to help practice reading comprehension.
  • more garden features to purchase (I love growing trees through my progress, that's so motivating to me).

But...I admit that all of those involve creating actual new content which might actually be a way bigger task that creating an environment where the community just supports each other (i.e., no new content, just structural changes?).

I also acknowledge that I might be very much in the minority opinion here!

5 months ago
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Level: 252

Something I'd love to see would be a type of game. The study group studies a schedule along side each other. Then, a game where they could compete against each other with those samr terms in the schedule. Maybe like the shiritori games with a health bear and everything.

5 months ago
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Something I'd love to see would be a type of game. The study group studies a schedule along side each other. Then, a game where they could compete against each other with those samr terms in the schedule. Maybe like the shiritori games with a health bear and everything.

that’s a cool really cool idea I vote for this too

5 months ago
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Level: 283

My main question is what will end up not getting created/improved in Renshuu in order to build this out?

There are things I'd rather see in Renshuu than this. The ideas mentioned here are things I personally have no interest in and wouldn't be helpful to me personally.

I swear, I am not trying to just be a downer here. I LOVE renshuu sooo much. This is the best app I've ever used and it keeps me motivated every single day. I feel this way even though I don't really use the community features much.

Personally, I'd much rather see things like:

  • more games, such as more counting system help (e.g., a quiz where the date, time, counter etc is spoken).
  • graded reading materials (like 1-2 paragraphs at a time) to help practice reading comprehension.
  • more garden features to purchase (I love growing trees through my progress, that's so motivating to me).

But...I admit that all of those involve creating actual new content which might actually be a way bigger task that creating an environment where the community just supports each other (i.e., no new content, just structural changes?).

I also acknowledge that I might be very much in the minority opinion here!

The interesting thing about renshuu is that your thoughts are not in the minority as much as there are rarely majority opinions. renshuu covers SUCH a wide range of usage styles, goals, etc., that you are going to have people that agree with you 100%, and also a good number of people who would say (for example) "the garden is a waste of time for me, it already has 300 items, I'd rather see more community stuff".

I can say that graded reader materials will absolutely not get added - it's simply *way too far* beyond the scope of what I am capable of doing.

I have another game in my head, but those things take a few months to develop aside from everything else. Games are great, and most people like *one* of them, but when it comes to content for the games, I've heard so many different things on what should be next :)

5 months ago
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Level: 29

I think study groups would be awesome, and I absolutely think severely limiting what they can do is also good, actually.

I can make a Dragon Quest group, and have lists on like “UI words” “Monster Names” “DQ9 plot-related words” and especially if I can add the example sentences to be actual lines from the game, that would own.

But then as far as “forums” goes, I think just a question corner, and then two threads/forums/etc: one で、one in Japanese, the English one to be like “I’m playing DQ11, and they are using a lot and I can’t find a good translation for it. What does this mean?” Sort of questions, and the Japanese one can be normal forum random discussion! Just in Japanese, to practice!

Like it’s one thing to talk about Dragon Quest with fans, but you can do that on Discord. Being able to do it _in Japanese_? That sounds like it would be awesome.

Like in my mind the main draw is the curated lists and goals and quests and all that. It definitely doesn’t need to be a fanpage.

5 months ago
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Level: 247
Maybe a study buddy search part where people can get to others that are studying the same. Like I'm in chapter 30 to 33 who wants to join and study.. (is kind of what I found in some other discord servers). So you can look at each other and find buddies.

BTW isn't it nice maybe to have some moderators to check the readers material someone asked or the new sentences? As you said solely doing it by you is crazy... But there are many advance people in the discord that I guess could help.

The in teresting thing about renshuu is that your thoughts are not in the minority as much as there are rarely majority opinions. renshuu covers SUCH a wide range of usage styles, goals, etc., that you are going to have people that agree with you 100%, and also a good number of people who would say (for example) "the garden is a waste of time for me, it already has 300 items, I'd rather see more community stuff".

I can say that graded reader materials will absolutely not get added - it's simply *way too far* beyond pthe scope of what I am capable of doing.

I have another game in my head, but those things take a few months to develop aside from everything else. Games are great, and most people like *one* of them, but when it comes to content for the games, I've heard so many different things on what should be next :)

5 months ago
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Level: 63

Maybe I don't quite understand. But it seems like fan discussion would be good as long as it takes place in japanese. I saw the lists as being terms common to the topic. And a way to help people start trying to engage with the topic in japanese.

For example, if the manga topic was One Piece then part of the word list might be mugiwara (which I think is ) and a common nickname villains call the protagonist. This would help people start to be able to read the source material by addressing the words the community thinks are important to know going in.

one problem that might be run into is spoilers if general discussion is allowed, which may stop people who are not caught up with the media of a topic from entering. On the bright side, bigger series like One Piece means there is a lot of material for practice.

Someone also mentioned topics for people near the same level, so maybe that could be integrated into sub topics like lists for important words regarding each volume of a manga or each season of an anime.

5 months ago
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Level: 37
Maybe a study buddy search part where people can get to others that are studying the same. Like I'm in chapter 30 to 33 who wants to join and study.. (is kind of what I found in some other discord servers). So you can look at each other and find buddies.

BTW isn't it nice maybe to have some moderators to check the readers material someone asked or the new sentences? As you said solely doing it by you is crazy... But there are many advance people in the discord that I guess could help.

If it were done by the community itself, couldn't it be done in the group discussion thread? Sorry if I've maybe misunderstood you, but it is said there'd have one:

Group-specific discussion board for talking about related topics, asking questions, etc.

Maybe I don't quite understand. But it seems like fan discussion would be good as long as it takes place in japanese. I saw the lists as being terms common to the topic. And a way to help people start trying to engage with the topic in japanese.

For example, if the manga topic was One Piece then part of the word list might be mugiwara (which I think is ) and a common nickname villains call the protagonist. This would help people start to be able to read the source material by addressing the words the community thinks are important to know going in.

one problem that might be run into is spoilers if general discussion is allowed, which may stop people who are not caught up with the media of a topic from entering. On the bright side, bigger series like One Piece means there is a lot of material for practice.

Someone also mentioned topics for people near the same level, so maybe that could be integrated into sub topics like lists for important words regarding each volume of a manga or each season of an anime.

I think it depends on how you learn by watching media, some people watch first then write down words they don't understand to learn what they meant later then rewatch, which it'd help a lot.

But as it is said, the idea of these features being brought to renshuu came from the inspiration of the book clubs in Discord, so it all comes to how it will be used, maybe to solve your issue of spoiler would need just some settings on how lists are displayed or merely lists splitting vocabulary by parts instead of just not a single big list.

If the issue of spoilers coming is just from the group general discussion, maybe support for those markdown hidden-until-you-click (discord has this) would help to use on spoilers and people follow guidelines, but then it also could be abused for people trying to evade the rules and saying inappropriate things with it to make it harder to spot for whoever moderates reading messages, which then creates another issue. I don't think there are any single solution when it comes to spoilers other than just being careful with what you read if you care about spoilers. (I don't know how discussions will be moderated but on the Discord server, there are some handful of people who help moderate whereas on forum I have no idea how many)

5 months ago
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Level: 272

The interesting thing about renshuu is that your thoughts are not in the minority as much as there are rarely majority opinions. renshuu covers SUCH a wide range of usage styles, goals, etc., that you are going to have people that agree with you 100%, and also a good number of people who would say (for example) "the garden is a waste of time for me, it already has 300 items, I'd rather see more community stuff".

I can say that graded reader materials will absolutely not get added - it's simply *way too far* beyond the scope of what I am capable of doing.

I have another game in my head, but those things take a few months to develop aside from everything else. Games are great, and most people like *one* of them, but when it comes to content for the games, I've heard so many different things on what should be next :)

That makes a lot of sense -- that's a lot for you to consider and I think you've done a great job at that so far! Helpful to have the additional context (and to know graded readers will never be a thing here, which I totally get!). I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next!

5 months ago
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Level: 23

I want to participate

5 months ago
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