I've been drinking a lot of 生姜湯 (shougayu) lately, which is honey ginger tea. My mum used to drink it when she was growing up in Japan, and now she makes it for me too
Sweet tea... The probably-not-made-with-actual-tea-leaves kind. I've never been a fan of the flavor profile of natural tea, or any hot drinks for that matter. I'd consider trying 抹茶 in candy form, though.
I drink jasmine tea and add rose buds to it for an extra depth of flavor. It can become a nightmare taste, if you don't remove the tea strainer after steeping. . . This is for the awake and alert times. I like using a tea ball, so I can control how much tea and I can add extras.
I have a lavender chamomile blend in a loose tea that I will add honey to for bedtime/ needing less caffeine / relaxing.
I've gotten into more bitter as of late, I've never had much of a sweet tooth so bitter teas alot easier to drink for me (its also really good cold or hot which is nice since I drink like a pot of tea ever night)
I don't drink tea like I used to but make ginger (root) tea with honey and lemon if I get a cold. Lately I've been craving Indian chai so I'm thinking about buying the PG tips, etc.
Not sure if this counts but Twinnings Cold Infuse Mango & Passion Fruit. I found it super cheap and I don't have to heat up the water, good lazy drink. Otherwise, just plain black tea or ginger tea.