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Snow Kirby
I love Kirby so much
it looks so good!
Oh wow
Do you wanna try drawing Suika?
Sorry, you just didn't respond to the last time I asked
Suika looks cool, but I’m not sure I’d be able to draw Suika well… Also sorry, I didn’t see it
It's fine!
I think you could do well, but you don't have to if you don't want to
How can I improve, cuz my art has kinda sucked lately
Also IDK what Wings of Fire is, but I'll put in in the stack of requests from my commissions forum
wings of fire is a book series about dragons that I've been reading lately, here's a pic...
also fyi this is the third one
And the dragon on the cover, her name is Glory and she's a Rainwing dragonet. Heres more rainwing refs >:) you can tell theyre my favorite kind of dragon lol (they're lazy like me)
Ah I remember Wings of Fire I think I've read 14 of the books
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Anything Goes
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