If you are on the new server, below is a detailed list of everything new. Discussions about new things can go here, while bug reports should go in the Experimental features forum (link just above this post)
Current status: available on the new server!!
New Features
**[Feature]** Under Quizzing (in Settings), you can now disable the panels that show information about your incorrect answers
**[Experimental]** CONJUGATION schedules!!!!! Add them via the Experimental panel (in settings)
Notes: includes verb and adjective schedules. Feeds off of the conjugation quizzes in the Lesson Center, so it should work a similar way, but more testing is needed
**[Experimental]** New setting (under Experimental in settings) which will show furigana above unknown kanji in multiple choice answer boxes.
Notes: This is highly experimental, so please try it out. Keep in mind that you need to also have the Vocabulary setting (how to show unknown kanji) to the first option (show the kanji with furigana)
**[Improvement]** Settings panel adjusted (Lessons category removed, options being shifted to Vocab or Kanji categories)
**[Improvement]** A lot of icons swapped over to renshuu-made hand-drawn artwork. Please let me know if anything looks off!
Notes: the up/down arrows for sentences will be replaced soon, too. Particularly interested in any visibly issues regarding the icons. They were designed in the hopes of using both color and shape to show on/off states, instead of just the "colored or grey" setup.
**[Improvement]** Usage notes for words will also show your notes, even if you have the category deselected for other users.
**[Improvement]** Usage notes with word links will allow you to link a single usage note up to multiple words. Works when editing previously made notes, too.
Notes: this is not an automatic process for previously made notes, so if you have made a note that, say, compares two or more words, definitely go and edit them. More info here: https://eu.renshuu.org/forums...
**[Improvement]** Grammar usage notes now have language and privacy settings. At some point, will backtrack through previous notes and mark up non-English ones.
**[Improvement]** Better back/close button functionality when going through multiple grammar pages in a row.
**[Improvement]** Users who are logged in via a Google account can now also set a password through the settings panel.
**[Improvement]** You can now bookmark and add-to-schedule from a list's page.
**[Improvement]** When editing a list, it can be marked as finished. This will hide it when using tools in discord, as well as when listing the lessons in the add/remove box
**[Improvement]** Definition hints available for vocabulary writing practice questions
**[Improvement]** Link to adjust mastery added to ... menu in vocab dictionary
**[Improvement]** Our learning events on Discord that follow along the Japanese Basics lessons are now available on the Japanese Basics page!
**[Improvement]** Improved layout on compact view for schedules
**[Improvement]** If you search a kanji compound in the kanji dictionary, it will search for both/all kanji.
**[Improvement]** On grammar expression quizzes in the Lesson Center, renshuu pro users can now choose to limit the number of questions per expression (due to a larger pool of questions to draw from).
**[Improvement]** You can now add terms and lessons to schedules that are fixed on a lesson-by-lesson path (most of the ones that renshuu has).
**[Improvement]** Counter punch now has correct/incorrect markers in addition to colors (after answering) to help differentiate choices.
**[Improvement]** Grammar search (in dictionary) catches more variations of some expressions (Ex. としては now returns page for として)
Fixes / Changes
**[Fix]** Kanji mnemonics will display your mnemonics first, if present.
**[Fix]** Fill-in-the-blank preferences for vocabulary schedules where not always being saved.
**[Fix]** When changing writing box size, the setting did not always stick
**[Fix]** Game was starting prematurely in Quick Draw if you tried to change the drawing speed.
**[Fix]** Improvements on hiding romaji in question answers, as well as slight improvements in the definition simplifying process.
**[Name changes]** (In progress) Lesson Center -> Community Lists, Japanese Basics -> Japanese Lessons
Notes: also considering simplifying the button language for schedules, feedback wanted:
(changes under consideration)
Focused Review > Review
Learn & Study > Learn
Learn New > Learn
(In other words, it'll be either Study, Learn, or Review. "Learn & Study" and "Learn New" were somewhat repetitive because the "xx to study, yy to learn" text is just to the left.