掲示板 Forums - Current state of renshuu development (updated periodically)
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As some of you know, I do all of renshuu's development, support, and maintenance, so while I try and set schedules for myself with regards to feature development, responses to user requests, etc., it's extremely difficult to stick to those.
So while I cannot say when things will be done, I'd like to use this post to periodically update you on the "big-picture" things that I'm working on or plan to work on in the next 3 months.
N4 grammar - working on finishing the N4 (Pre-Intermediate) grammar lessons, as well as adjusting the difficulty level of the 1,500 or so grammar question sentences available for the level. Once done, a new vocab/grammar schedule pack will be available
Audio - we are working to re-record some of our older audio, and expand out on newer audio for both words and sentences
Sentences - I am having a Japanese native speaker/teacher work to slowly go through the sentences that originally came into renshuu through an external source in order to mark which ones are 100% natural, which ones should be removed entirely, and which ones could be adjusted to better fit learners.
Vocab lists - with our dictionary update finished, I'm working to clean up renshuu's main vocabulary lists, especially with regards to removing the rare (but present) duplicates of words present in some spots.
Kaiten-doushi - a new mini-game that will let you practice verb conjugation while you serve out sushi to customers
Verb conjugation schedule - a new schedule type to let you practice verb conjugation regularly
Word/Kanji schedule link - a new vocabulary schedule that auto-populates as you study kanji, for those who like to study kanji and then pick up all the common words associated with that kanji
Community notes for sentences - a way to add alternate translations, meaning notes, and talk about sentences in renshuu.
UI improvements - this is by far the biggest complaint about renshuu, and also the thing I'm weakest at. I am redoing the icons throughout renshuu with new, hand-drawn icons. I'm also considering a revision of the schedule settings, as well as thinking about a better way to handle the dashboard/community/garden/stats panels when you log into renshuu.
Text Analyzer - this is almost feature complete, but needs spot-correction functionality added
There are *tons* of other requests/improvements that I've greenlit (either in the forums or in Kao Club) that I may not be able to get to for awhile, but I'm doing everything I can!
Note: All feature requests should go here: https://eu.renshuu.org/forums..., and bugs go here: https://eu.renshuu.org/forums... . Any posts that fall into those categories will be removed from this thread.
Word/Kanji schedule link - a new vocabulary schedule that auto-populates as you study kanji, for those who like to study kanji and then pick up all the common words associated with that kanji
I'm still going through the N-levels, but I still fantasize about something like this for the path beyond that!
Kaiten-doushi - a new mini-game that will let you practice verb conjugation while you serve out sushi to customers
Verb conjugation schedule - a new schedule type to let you practice verb conjugation regularly
Both of those sound great!!! So exited!
Verb Conjugation Schedule and Word/Kanji schedule link are two features I'm looking forwarf to use. Have you had time to work on these?
Verb Conjugation Schedule and Word/Kanji schedule link are two features I'm looking forwarf to use. Have you had time to work on these?
Verb Conjugation Schedules are available on the new server (if you go to settings -> experimental, you can switch to the new server)
You just have to add the schedules using the "Manage your schedules" tool
The server merge is this week! The conj schedules will be available to everyone.
It's been a crazy 2 months, but I plan on updating this in the next week or so with progress, adjustments, and goals for the next two months.
I appreciate your efforts a lot. I tried learning Japanese for years with things like Duolingo and nothing ever clicked. I've learned more here in a month than a year with other things. I can already say full sentences which is mind-blowing to me. I never thought I'd be as far as I am so fast. I am grateful to have Renshuu and I love how you run it with a community atmosphere. Plus your subscription perks are not only reasonable, but fun and how it should be done. This is a daily app for me, great work (: