Description: Cozy little outdoor fireplace Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
1 year ago
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Item name: Kagami Mochi
Status: undecided (マイコー will update this)
Description: A kagami mochi that we could put on a table - maybe for inside expansion Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
1 year ago
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Item name: Dragon statue
Status: undecided (マイコー will update
Description:just some kind of dragon hehe
Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: a cute little dragon pet like the one on the new year's cards, because it's the year of the dragon
Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: statue of a kitsune like the ones outside Japanese shrines, like this:
Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: Would be nice to be able to write messages to people visiting my garden. This could be in the form of a board which directly displays the value in the garden, or a sign that requires to be clicked and shows a dialog. If displayed, options of narrow + wide width would be nice.
A simpler solution would be letters / numbers / Kanji, but that list would get large pretty fast. Could be used to write messages (on the ground)
Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: (text and pictures allowed) Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: Not an item, but related 😅. Would be great to see every item in one list when picking what to buy next. Optimally they'd be grouped with a header per category, but one giant item list would suffice. Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: An early spring plant for January or February next year.
P.S.: Would it be possible to actually update the older posts. As of now, the status of (almost) all the posts is still "undecided" even though some items have already been implemented. Thx Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: It looks a bit similar to the snowdrop but unlike the snowdrop I have actually seen it in Japan. There's a spring version and a summer version of it.
Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: It is normally white but apparently it also comes in a pink variant. Would be cool to have it with that random colour option. And maybe another random option where it grows the red berries after blooming.
Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: Maybe not an item but on Easter Sunday - Monday there could be a bunch of hidden Easter eggs in the garden 🥚🐣🐰 Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: A small palm tree that can be grown in a large pot. Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: A precariously stacked stack of rocks, like the one Kao makes but bigger. It could be like this
or maybe like this
Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: A wall to separate different parts of your garden.
Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: A vase to put flowers in. It could come with flowers or you could pick flowers from your garden and put them in the vase. It could be put inside as an expansion. Preferably tall and skinny. Maybe a bit like this?
(Sorry its so big) Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
9 months ago
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Item name: Kitsune fox pet
Status: undecided (マイコー will update this)
Description: A 9-tailed fox, maybe it could be white with pink or red markings on its head? Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.
Description: I feel like dragonflies are even more iconic japanese but I am not an expert. They could be like pets, fluttering around. To make them stationary like a pet bed you could make a nectar bowl for butterfly or water bowl for dragonfly.
Rules: only one request per post. Any reaction posts ("I love that", "this is cool", etc.) will be deleted. Please show your interest by sending すき points to the ideas you like.